Our Story

In 2017, I saw a video of a small colorful talking bird. At that time I wish I get a talking bird in the future. Then I forgot all about the video.

In 2019, I received 2 budgies as a gift! they were my first budgies ever. I didn't know anything about them I was just giving them food and fresh water daily, I didn't even sit with them! After several weeks I asked about the type of my bird and i found out that their name is Australian Budgies.

I immediately googled it and I kept reading more and more about them till i knew that they can talk! I started learning more and more about them and I was spending most of my time with my 2 budgies trying to tame them or feed them vegetables and fruits! I learnt more and more about them daily till i decided to go get my first budgie which i will teach him talking!

How I Met Mini

On 11/6/2020 I went to a pet store to get a young rainbow budgie! I went their but unfortunately i didn't find any young rainbow budgies😔 While I was leaving I saw a cage full of budgies fling and hitting each other because they got scared from me walking by.  I looked carefully and saw 1 blue baby budgie sitting their and just staring at me. He was too calm and young he was about 40 days old. I got him and due to his small size I named him "Mini" and that was the start of out journey


First Day

I started my Instagram account @budgie_tips to help budgie owners take care of their budgies! Mini was super quiet at the first week, he didn't even eat or make a single sound even i though he cant whistle😂 (later I learned it was because he is stressed of the new environment and alone) I spend with mini about 12 hours daily. I used to wake up at 6 a.m. and sit with him till 6 p.m. 

The Call

After a week of sitting with mini I taught him to step up inside the cage! one day I just went away from mini to do something and he whistled for the first time! so I went back and sat with him. After a while I went to the kitchen and as soon as I was out of his sight he did the same whistle! Till today he does the same whistle whenever I move from his sight😂

My Journey On Helping Birds

From the day I got mini I was helping other budgie owners with any info I have about budgies! I dedicated my time to make each single budgie in the world happy! by then end of 2020 My account had 3000 followers and I wrote my  First Budgie Educational E-book ! It was published on February 2021 on Etsy. I Kept on sharing info and helping budgie and I wrote other 2  Budgie Educational E-books! 

The E-books helped many budgie owners and got 5 stars rating 🤩

What To Do Next?

A month ago I sat there thinking on what can I do more to help these beautiful Birds! Then I remembered that I get many messages daily asking about high-quality bird toys, cages, feeder, etc. So I decided to open an online store and provide bird owners with all their BIRD NEEDS.

It wasn't easy to start this store but i am doing my best to provide these birds with the best life possible because they make ours BETTER!